Sponsored Post - from Green City Realty     Did you know? About 50 percent of your energy bill is spent on heating and cooling your home. Austin’s eco-friendly real estate firm, GreenCity Realty, is here to help you lower that bill with some tips for keeping your HVAC system in tip-top shape. Learn more...

Sponsored Post - from Green City Realty   Looking for an inexpensive and eco-friendly way to clean everything from bathrooms to hardwood floors? Austin’s eco-friendly real estate firm, Green City Realty, is here to help. In their latest informational (and comical) video, they give some tips about...

Sponsored Post - from Green City Realty   Thinking about selling your home or maybe just giving it a little spruce? Austin's eco-friendly real estate firm, Green City Realty, is here to help. In their latest informational (and comical) video, they give some tips about paint options...

From Green City Realty - Come join us for a complimentary appetizer and conversation with a panel of local real estate agents. Learn about: green upgrades that add value to your home how green homes impact the community how to identify and highlight green features when buying...